If you’re thinking about making a career change in the near future, or you’ve taken steps toward transitioning into a new job or industry, you’re part of the trend referred to as the “Great Resignation.” As the career landscape continues to evolve in the wake of the pandemic, people are quitting their jobs in droves. 3.9 million people chose to leave their jobs in April alone, according to the Labor Department’s statistics, and reports indicate that the “Great Resignation” is far from over. Here’s why that matters for your career and how you can make the most of this unique time in history.

3.9 million people chose to leave their jobs in April alone, according to the Labor Department’s statistics, and reports indicate that the “Great Resignation” is far from over.


The events of 2020 and 2021 have led many of us to reevaluate what it is we really want our careers (and lives) to look like. If you’re like the majority of my clients, you may have noticed a shift in priorities when it comes to your work life. Maybe you’ve realized that flexibility is a non-negotiable for you. Or maybe you’ve decided the industry you’re in no longer aligns with your goals and values. You might even have concluded that you want to pursue an entirely different career path.

As your priorities become clearer, it’s natural to experience some dissonance in your current job or company. Because you understand better what you need and want, you may recognize that your current position or organization isn’t setting you up to achieve your career goals. When you reach this point, it’s time to plan your exit strategy. 

Because you understand better what you need and want, you may recognize that your current position or organization isn’t setting you up to achieve your career goals.


The past year and a half has exposed the true reality of where companies’ values lie, and the result is that employees are now aware of exactly how supportive (or unsupportive) their employers are. How your company responded to a remote work cadence, health concerns, family needs, racial conversations, and political issues, may have revealed some glaring areas of misalignment between their values and yours.

Increasingly, people are less willing to tolerate a company culture that doesn’t support them as humans. 

If you’ve found yourself frustrated that you haven’t been getting what you need from your current organization, you may join the millions of others who have decided they’ve put up with a toxic culture for long enough.

Increasingly, people are less willing to tolerate a company culture that doesn’t support them as humans. 


The exodus of millions of employees is forcing companies to consider their culture and values if they want to attract and retain the best talent.  What this means for you is that it’s the perfect time to ask for what you really want. Rather than favoring employers, the current shift makes it a job market that benefits the job seeker. Now, more companies than ever are interested in responding to the needs of the incredibly talented candidates they’re interviewing.

If you’ve identified some gaps between what your career priorities are and where you’re at professionally, it’s a great time to start attracting opportunities that align with your values. 

I’m Ready to Take the Plunge…Now What?

It’s one thing to think about making a significant change in the trajectory of your career, but it’s another thing entirely to actually make a plan and put it into action. It takes commitment to create a career that you don’t want to escape from. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it!

If you’ve identified some gaps between what your career priorities are and where you’re at professionally, it’s a great time to start attracting opportunities that align with your values. 

If you’ve reached the point in your career that you are convinced something has to change, here’s are 3 ways you can initiate the process:

1. Clarify your goals–Identify what you want your career to look like in the next 5 years, and work back from there. Understanding your long-term goals and knowing what matters most to you at this point in your life will confirm what you want your next role to look like. 

2. Own your worthThis is the key to positioning yourself for success! If you want to get the most out of your career journey, you need to be able to quantify the unique value you add to the team. Who you are as a person, together with your expertise and experience, is all part of what you have to offer your next employer.

3. Communicate with confidence–Your confidence in your ability to impact your target company is essential if you want your future employer to see you as the person they need on their team! You’ve got to make a connection between your abilities and the organization’s needs. 

You deserve a career that aligns with what you want most in life.

You deserve a work environment that allows you to thrive.

Are you ready to make your move?

You deserve a career that aligns with what you want most in life.

If you’re ready to join the “Great Resignation” and you need help navigating your career transition, I’m here for you. Check out my Career Success Coworking program to learn about working 1:1 with me to create a career you don’t want to escape from!